

We bring awareness to machines, systems, and humans through real-time spatial perception

Lidar mining automation


Autonomous systems | Volume Measurements | Traffic safety | Machine safety | Anomaly detection | Site security

Lidar infrastructure safety

Ports and harbours

Workplace safety | Ports automation | Site security | Logistics optimization 

Lidar industrial automation


Autonomous systems | Volume Measurements | Traffic safety | Machine safety | Anomaly detection | Site security

Lidar robotics

Robotics and AGV

Perception for future's smart robots and vehicles | combination with stationary sensors | intelligent and robotized infrastructure 

Lidar security


Logistics | Material tracability | Workplace safety | Quality measurements and material characteristics

Lidar in defence


Strategic planning | Mobile 3D surveillance | Protection of military bases | Drone detection and intervention

Lidar areal data gathering


Autonomous detection and intervention | Control drones autonomously from the ground

Lidar security


Protect critical infrastructure | Perimeter security | Integration with access control and biometry | Control of the airspace

Intelligent transportation system

Smart cities

Road safety | Traffic optimization and planning | Traffic analytics | Rail safety | Suicide prevention | Airport automation 

Why work with us?

We provide the spatial perception necessary to take the next steps towards fully autonomous, efficient and safe operations. 

Reliable real-time data

Millions of points are processed in real-time and transformed into valuable insights, instructing machines immediately or improving awareness for humans.

Expert support

We have long experience from automation, industry, security, robotics, infrastructure, drones, algorithms, and interoperability.

Endless flexibility

Enjoy the freedom of supplier independence, ensuring you're never tied down to one provider. 50+ parameters and 50+ actionable data in your hands.


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