
Automating your operations with lidar


In the current landscape of technological evolution, the conversation often veers towards automation and its impact on the workforce. That conversation often holds a slight hint of worry and a tinge of fear that automation will shrink the market and make people obsolete for their roles. 

At Flasheye, we embrace a unique perspective on this subject, especially in our application of lidar technology. Our vision is not to replace human effort but to enrich it, to automate the mundane and repetitive tasks so that human talent can focus on what they do best - innovate, create, and lead.
At the core of our philosophy is the belief that technology and human creativity are not adversaries but allies. Lidar's ability to provide detailed, three-dimensional mapping is more than just a tool for precision and accuracy; it's a means to free human operators from the tedium of constant monitoring and manual measurements.

In the security sector, where vigilance is paramount, our Acuity solution helps to automate routine surveillance, ensuring that every nook and cranny is consistently monitored without lapses. This automation doesn’t render human roles redundant; rather, it empowers security personnel to focus on higher-level tasks such as analysing patterns, strategizing security measures, and responding to incidents with greater insight and preparation. By removing the burden of constant manual monitoring, we enable them to engage in more fulfilling and impactful aspects of their job.

Similarly, in industrial settings, Flasheye’s LiDAR technology automates spatial mapping, processing and monitoring. This capability allows for the optimization of workflows and processes, traditionally time-consuming tasks that often require meticulous human efforts. By automating these aspects, we liberate engineers and managers to dedicate their time to innovation and strategic planning. They can delve into improving production methods, enhancing quality control, and driving operational excellence, rather than being bogged down by routine tasks. Not to mention the peace of mind one gets from preventing potentially catastrophic financial losses via unseen structural damage, or worse, loss of life due to unforeseen danger areas!

Those are a couple of specific needs for two specific fields but automation benefits everybody in every field in the grander scheme. It is common knowledge that there is a direct correlation between job satisfaction and efficiency. Consider how satisfied employees and colleagues would be if they were no longer confined to the repetitive, tedious aspects of their jobs. Also consider how your organization would be affected if you could now use this extra time as an opportunity to let your workforce upskill, cross-train and explore new areas within their field.

No-brainer right?

In essence, that is what Flasheye's application of lidar in automation is all about: Harmonizing strengths of human intelligence with the precision of technology to unlock the potential of both. We are not just automating processes; we are enabling a future where human ingenuity can flourish unencumbered by the mundane. A future where one can have peace of mind on the way to and from work, not worried about any unwelcome surprises. 

Automating your operations actually make more workforce less like automatons and more like people. Who would have thought?

Jordan Shepherd - 24/01/2023