
Save Time, Money, and Improve Safety & Security Today​

Discover Flasheye's Award-Winning 3D Lidar Software

We bring awareness to machines, systems, and humans through real-time spatial perception

Gather insights about our physical world. Detect events and react with precise data. 3D perception software will drive automation and enhance safety across industries!

open platform

Support of many platforms and protocols: add 3D analytics into your system. 

sensor agnostic

Use any lidar brand or other sensors generating 3D data.

industry experience 

Developed in collaboration with leaders from the market.

We Produce your Highest Quality Big Data 


Achieve Awareness and Performance with AI and Lidar Perception Software 

Lidar technology generates vast amounts of high-quality 3D data by capturing millions of data points through laser scans. This data is then analyzed by sophisticated lidar perception software, transforming it into actionable insights. By integrating AI, this system not only provides real-time awareness but also optimizes operations over time, enhancing understanding of trends and patterns. This approach enables both machines and humans to comprehend extensive datasets and make more informed decisions, continuously improving performance and safety.  

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Mobilaris Innovation Center
Sundsbacken 6
972 42 Luleå, Sweden